الحمار الوحشي الذهبي اللون واحد من أندر المخلوقات على وجه الأرض
الحمار الوحشي الذهبي اللون المسمى "زوي" وُلد بـ جزيرة هاواي في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية, ويُعد هو الوحيد من نوعه على كوكب الأرض
The only golden Zebra in the world. Meet Zoe, an albino zebra who lives in Kona. Her body is white and her stripes are beige. She also has light eyes. She was rescued by the Three Ring Ranch, which takes in animals and provides care for them. Zoe has a very elegant and graceful presence to her. The ranch is home to another zebra too (with traditional black and white coloring).